Privacy Policy

In accordance with the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 december on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPED) and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 21 December, and with the requirements of the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data (GDPR), as well as Law 34/2002 of 11 July on information society services and e-commerce (LSSICE or LSSI), we inform you that:


If you provide your personal data through the website (e.g. filling in the contact form, commenting on the blog or subscribing to our Newsletters), those will be incorporated to a File owned by Feedmyfeeds, and Feedmyfeeds will be responsible for data processing.


We only collect your data through data collection forms (contact form or Newsletter subscription), in which the mandatory fields are indicated. If you do not fill in the mandatory fields, your petition cannot be processed (sending your enquiry, signing you up for the newsletter).


Your personal data will be used exclusively to:

  1. Reply to queries or information requests.
  2. Send the newsletter through e-mail if you have subscribed to it.
  3. Manage blog comments.
  4. Interact with you on Social Media.

In any case will we give your personal data to other companies without your previous express, informed and clear consent.


Feedmyfeeds has taken the technical measures, organisational and of necessary security to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or not authorised access, in accordance with the law.


You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, treatment limitation and opposition, as well as request data portability by sending an express written request, along a copy of your DNI, NIE or passport to


When you exercise your right to data portability, you have the right to have your data directly transferred from controller to controller when technically possible.


If you are subscribed to our Newsletter and wish to unsubscribe, you can do so in the following ways: clicking on the “unsubscribe” button that you will find at the bottom of all e-mails, or sending us an email at requesting to be unsubscribed.


The data processing carried out by Feedmyfeeds is legitimized with the consent you have given at the time of providing your data and will be governed by the principles of legality, loyalty and transparency, minimization of data, limitation of the term of conservation, integrity principle and confidentiality.


The consent given, both for the treatment and for the transfer of data of the interested parties, is revocable at any time by notifying Feedmyfeeds in the terms established in this Policy for the exercise of the rights of the holders of personal data. This revocation will not be retroactive in any case.


Last revision: 26 January 2024